Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cody to Devil's Tower

A quick breakfast this morning and we are on our way... The sun is coming up over the mountains warming the valley... it got pretty cold last night, a "one-dog-night." Since I have only one dog, Zander is becoming quite a seasoned traveler... Unfortunately, he loves to run and we have to keep him on a home he loves to chase the deer and when we stopped to check out the bison, I didn't want him taking off after them... Ellen on the other hand, had to get a picture.... then we read that they can run up to 35 mph... somewhat faster than Ellen. I kept the motor running!!!

Even though I have been through this area a number of times... it is always amazing, seeing it through new eyes (and an older sense of appreciation for the beauty) and having someone to share their thoughts with...

Planning a second day in Cody was a great idea, it gave us time to catch our breath and settle in, I am still organizing my stuff... and of course, Ellen's bed is made, the RV is in order, dishes done and all is ready of inspection. On the other hand, the back of RV is less tidy and I am going to have to mend my ways?

Our visit to the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum was a wonderful experience... there is so much to see and I was pleased to see that some of areas had interactive displays...a comuputer program for
painting or composing your own picture... color a postcard for the children...and lectures running throughout the day... we of course walked around the shops and aided the Cody economy... we visited one Quilt shop and finally called it a day...

We are on our way to Devils Tower, Wyoming... a six hour drive, less mountains and more rolling hills...

Have a wonderful day... Rae, Ellen and Zander

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